And...getting to know you too

Blog - Perceptual Style and Getting to Know You too


Picture of Ricardo Vega Certified Perceptual Style Guide at Your Talent Advantage

This is my fifth blog in a series of six discussing the challenge of finding and mentoring the right people for our organizations. The interview process is a combination of art and science and often comes down to our gut feeling about someone. The long-drawn-out question and answer process of interviews can be tedious, and it can also leave you with inconclusive results.  I discussed my views on this subject in a blog titled “Getting to Know You…” published last May, in the blog titled “Getting to Know You too..” published last July, in the blog titled “Getting to Know You...Also” published last October and in the blog titled “And...Getting to Know You” published this past November. 

In this blog, I would like to propose that if our fifth candidate would introduce themselves as follows, we would be able to better determine the impact that this candidate would have on our team: 

"Hello, my name is Ricardo “AD” Vega. I’d like to share some detailed information about myself. I've organized it into categories that I believe will interest you:

  • I thrive in environments that are functioning smoothly and require minor adjustments or fine-tuning. I am most productive when the environment allows for careful reflection, judicious thought, and thorough exploration. I find environments filled with time pressures, uncertain expectations, and strong bottom-line orientations distressing and unproductive.  

  • I believe that the past is a prologue to the present and provides key knowledge and lessons, which allow a greater understanding of current realities, however, since it is now gone, is the past is consequently of lesser importance. I know that the future has not yet arrived and can only be contemplated speculatively, and I am content to wait until I can attend productively to “what is”, as it happens, rather than waste time exploring all the “coulds” and “mights” that never materialize. 

  • I prefer learning when I have the time to reflect on information that has been presented. I am uncomfortable with learning experientially, through unproven approaches, or when confronted with externally imposed time constraints.  

  • I am a careful and competent Communicator who effectively uses nuance, refinement, and precision in language. I am a patient listener who hears accurately what is said and provides minimal immediate response or feedback but grasps both the literal and symbolic meaning of other’s communications.

  • I accept change incrementally. I accept the need for, and actively participate in, periodic fine-tuning but disagree with wholesale implementation of large-scale changes as it results in unnecessary disruption. I am uncomfortable with abrupt changes that are not well thought through or where the need is not supported by comprehensive analysis or assessment.

  • I am motivated by the opportunity to acquire knowledge and to provide knowledge to others. People that I experience as uninformed or who speak, decide, or act without subtlety and complete information, de-motivate me. 

  • I know that conflict is irrational and unsettling. Furthermore, I believe conflict is unnecessary and occurs because the people in contention possess inadequate knowledge. When personally confronted I deflect the conflict with subtle symbolic humor or by responding with detailed and complex information that overloads the other person.

  • I am an effective and productive team member as I am content to focus on my assignments in team efforts and do so thoroughly and with quiet efficiency. I am a great resource when exhaustive research is required or when other team members need complex material explained clearly and understandably. 

  • As a manager  I design integrated processes that correspond to the tasks at hand, then, I continuously fine-tune the processes, assignments, and resource distributions to improve workflow and efficiency and bring results into compliance with plans. I provide clear and accurate explanations of expectations and feedback that details variance from optimum performance.

  • I lead more effectively with objective observation and data. I provide others clarification, explanation, and illumination of reality. I educate, describe, and provide detail in order to lead people to respond to that reality carefully and wisely.

  • I experience persuasion as a conversation and in which I quietly explain the rationale for my point of view. I believe that persuasion is based on rational decisions not emotions, therefore, I attempt to overcome resistance by providing more information.

With this kind of information, it's so much easier to have a conversation with a new employee to focus on the strengths that complement the team and help the employee settle into a role where they can be a valuable contributor. 

Conversely, when someone is seeking employment, understanding their strengths will allow the interviewer and the interviewee to ask pointed questions during the interview to ensure that both of you are getting a candidate and a job that will utilize the candidate’s strengths to the fullest.

For example, given what we just read about Ricardo “AD” Vega, this candidate is driven by the acquisition of information and the knowledge that comes with it. It seems that this candidate has experienced that hasty action is thoughtless action that causes irreparable damage, chaos, and disorder and as a result he makes sure that all actions should be deliberate and careful. He seems to be intrigued by the exploration of ideas when the exploration is characterized by careful and comprehensive analysis that leads to evolutionary changes.  Ricardo “AD” Vega appears to have the perfect set of skills for Change/Problem Manager or Business Analyst (among others).

Ricardo “G” Vega (in our November, 2021 blog), Ricardo “V” Vega (in our October, 2021 blog) and Ricardo “A” Vega (in our May, 2021 blog) would probably make a great team as they all thrive on change and dynamic environments where they can embrace variety, novelty and new activities, however, they may have a few disagreements given Ricardo “G” Vega's drive to achieve short term goals versus the  Ricardo “A” Vega's lack of need to declare things complete or settled or with Ricardo “V”s  comfort with high-level plans, unsupported with all the details.  While not an insurmountable problem, it is one that requires direct management involvement.

On the other hand, someone like Ricardo “M” Vega (in my July, 2021 blog) probably will not be happy working in a chaotic environment with constant change, where roles and responsibilities are fluid, or where measurable progress and results are hard to find.  It is important to keep in mind that Ricardo “M” Vega does have the optimum skills that will allow for the development of effective processes and procedures to ensure the successful implementation of the chaotic changes.   Ricardo “AD” Vega would bring in-depth analysis skills that would make this a very powerful team as they complement the skills apported by the implementation group of Ricardo “G” Vega, Ricardo “V” Vega and Ricardo “A” Vega.

From a management perspective, these five individuals would provide your company or team with all of the skills necessary to drum-up new opportunities (Ricardo “V” Vega), provide in-depth analysis (Ricardo “AD” Vega develop business cases for these opportunities (Ricardo “A” Vega), implement or lead their timely implementation (>Ricardo “G” Vega and develop and formalize an organized an orderly implementation (Ricardo “M” Vega).

As an employer, as you compare the skills that each person brings to the table, it would be so much easier to identify positions within your organization where person fits best when you understand their skills and talents.  And as a job applicant, knowing your own strengths and where you shine allows you to understand where your skills would fit within an organization instead of settling for a role that will give you little personal satisfaction.

The scientifically-backed approach to obtain this information is Your Perceptual Style.  Knowing your strengths and the strengths of those you work with makes all the difference in being happy and successful at work.

Check out our tools for Managers and Coaches, as well as our Career Blueprint.  You’ll be glad you did!

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About Ricardo Vega

Ricardo Vega is the Director of Operations at Vega Behavioral Consulting, Ltd. and a certified Perceptual Style Guide. He has over 40 years of experience in technology, product and project delivery, disaster recovery, and team coaching. He specializes in helping entrepreneurs and teams with Product Planning & Delivery, Team Building, and Change Administration.  For more information, visit

For additional information on Ricardo Vega, please click here

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